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Shannan Maria Gilbert

October 24, 1996 - December 13, 2011


  1. Every day I cry harder because I miss you more than ever.
    I am sorry for all the pain you have even went through.
    I am sorry for all the pain I caused you.
    You are in Heaven with your Aunt Tami, and grand-dad John now.
    I am here below living each day in Hell just holding onto to memories, and trying to be half the woman you were.
    I Love You!!!!

  2. Excellent tribute to your daughter. She would be very proud. This is very awesome. Good job.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Shannan sure had it. All your daughters are lookers. In Storey County, Nevada, Shannan would have been protected. The brothels there are visited by the sheriff on shift and there is a madame and a nurse. But the laws against prostitution give rise to this sadistic free-for-all. It is my belief and my experience that Shannan was given a big dose of LSD without her knowledge. (Sellers of LSD do this to find out the strength when they buy a large amount and want to test it. Instead of taking it themselves they'll give it to a stranger.) Shannan kept running. No person she encountered could make contact with her. A paranoid reaction is very common. (Read "The Day Of St. Anthony's Fire" by John Fuller) She was in the water and became hypothermic. One of the classic symptoms of hypothermia is undressing because as the body is shutting down to die it makes a last ditch effort for warmth and turns up the hormones to the point where you become hot. Drunks in NYC are often found partially disrobed and dead when they can't get to a shelter while on a bender in winter. I would look at the driver and the john. Another case where LSD is suspected is one Aeryn M.J. Gillern who was an officer of UNIDO in Austria. He ran from a very popular gay bath house that is centuries old and ran out the building entirely nude. He ran up to people and then ran on. He was found dead in a canal. Why did no one hold onto Shannan or Aeryn until they were calmed down? Were Shannan's pupils dilated? At least Shannan helped find the others. How could anyone hit someone so beautiful?

    1. I am sorry for your loss, Mari. You website is a lovely tribute.

      To Condot Maroddi: Aeryn Gilleran was not found dead in a canal. He disappeared and the police and authorities in Vienna did nothing to help his mother find him or find out what happened to him. I watched the documentary and read everything available regarding his disappearance and there is no mention of LSD. Unless you know something one one else does -- and, if you do, certainly, you should inform his mother -- because LSD being involved would be news to her and everyone else involved in the matter. His mother is still trying to find out what happened to him and narrated a documentary about the disappearance of her son called, "Gone."

    2. Aeryn was NEVER found! The scum bag police in Austria told her he committed “spontaneous” suicide which isn’t even a fucking thing!! The police said he killed him self because he was gay and HIV positive which he was not, his mother found his test results in his belongings which he had gotten the day before. The theory that he was on drugs was floating around but then there is the fact that his body was never found so where is he? If he was in the canal his body would have popped up.

    3. Aeryn was NEVER found! The scum bag police in Austria told her he committed “spontaneous” suicide which isn’t even a fucking thing!! The police said he killed him self because he was gay and HIV positive which he was not, his mother found his test results in his belongings which he had gotten the day before. The theory that he was on drugs was floating around but then there is the fact that his body was never found so where is he? If he was in the canal his body would have popped up.

  5. Why would you say: "How could anyone hit someone so beautiful?"
    Who said any one hit her?

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  7. I made a mistake. He spelled it Gillern. A witness said he saw Gillern dead in a canal. Shannan was hit in the face by her boyfriend. It turned out to be a jaw fracture. I still think both were given LSD without their knowledge.

    1. The supposed fisherman/ witness was never actually confirmed, the police lied about everything in that case. They lied about sending divers in to search for this supposed body that was reported floated in the canal. Later they said the witness said they heard a scream and a splash as if someone fell or jumped in! Their story changed over and over and over again! I can not believe anything they said.

    2. The supposed fisherman/ witness was never actually confirmed, the police lied about everything in that case. They lied about sending divers in to search for this supposed body that was reported floated in the canal. Later they said the witness said they heard a scream and a splash as if someone fell or jumped in! Their story changed over and over and over again! I can not believe anything they said.

  8. Sorry Shannan, I never knew you.
    Wish you or anyone like her would have took another path.

    Thats what a father is for......

    But what a cutie!❤

  9. Happy birthday Shannan.

  10. Would love to see all the pictures of her. Besides the same ones on the internet. Maybe closure will be coming soon. As soon as lisk is prosectued.

    People will start talking to save their skin....🤞
